Green House

The school houses a beautiful eco-greenhouse with countless varieties of different flowering and non- flowering plants. Besides protecting the exotic plants of our school herbarium during harsh winters, it is also used as an invaluable teaching tool by our enthusiastic teachers to teach the students about the anatomy of plants, photosynthesis, soil, pollination, hybridization, propagation, watering needs, role of temperature and much more

Artificial jungle park

A variety of artificial animals and delightful smells of a variety of flowers from the jungle themed park brighten up the front side of our school. Moreover, an array of extravagant fountains , coloured lights and potted plants all add more magic in this outdoor haven. It makes for a warm welcome and cheerful entrance.

School Gymnasium

Research shows Physical activity has a "positive influence on memory, concentration, and classroom behaviour." As such, students with higher fitness scores also have higher test scores. Keeping this in mind, we have installed an open air gym with ultra modern facilities and equipment. The main objective of the gym is to help the students develop more strength and stamina in terms of their health and other activities. The gym is equipped with Treadmills, Weight bars, Cross Trainers, Rowing Machine, Crunches Pads, Bench-press and Cycling Machines


Our beautifully landscaped herbarium is replete with a countless variety of vibrantly blooming plants and shrubbery. There are several other flowers as well except tulips including Roses, Muscaria, Iris, Daffodils, Hyacinths, and Ranunculi etc. that add extra glory to the place. A walk amidst endless rows of blooming exotic plants tastefully arranged on polished stone plinths on either side of the entrance offers an amazing feeling. The different hues of flowers not only add a significant amount of aesthetic appeal to our school yard but also offer a range of plant displays and opportunities for learning outside the classroom. They act as “outdoor laboratories” for students and researchers.